Contains subject and chronological time lines, along with historical facts, illustrations, and photographs, that provide information about key events and significant individuals in colonies around the world, from 1500 to 1900.
Describes and illustrates the exploration of the American frontier from 1776 to the late nineteenth century, through a variety of images created during that period.
Describes and illustrates the western territorial expansion of the United States, from post-Revolution territorial activities of the former thirteen colonies to the last military clashes in the early 1900s, through a variety of images created during that period.
Describes the people and events of the age of Manifest Destiny and the American West, revealing historical details from the perspective of a traveler on the Oregon Trail, a laborer, and a Sioux warrior.
Discusses how the frontier in the United States moved west from the thirteen original colonies after 1763 and what life was like for the courageous people who chose to pursue the challenging existence of pioneers.