territorial expansion

Geographic Name
territorial expansion

Westward expansion and Manifest Destiny in American history

Chronicles the history of westward expansion in America and the concept of Manifest Destiny, from the election of James K. Polk to the effects of the Mexican War; also includes a time line and a bibliography.

The United States enters the world stage

from the Alaska purchase through World War I, 1867-1919
Emphasizes America's expanding role in world affairs between the late nineteenth century and the end of World War I.

Hispanic America, Texas, and the Mexican War, 1835-1850

Examines the settlement of the area that became the southwestern portion of the United States, detailing how it evolved from land settled by Native Americans, to Spanish territory, to states that were pawns between the North and South prior to the Civil War.

The American frontier

pioneers, settlers & cowboys, 1800-1899
Portrays the lives of men and women through artifacts from the collections of the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming.

Wagon trains and settlers

Uses original photographs, archival material, and historically accurate text to explore what it was like to travel West during the great migration of the 1800s and to describe the challenges settlers faced.

Which way to the wild west?

everything your schoolbooks didn't tell you about America's westward expansion
Presents a detailed, historical overview of America's territorial expansion westward, and covers the Louisiana Purchase, the gold rush to California, cowboys, conflicts with Native Americans, and frontier life.

Immigrants and the westward expansion

Describes the discovery and settlement of the Western United States by diverse ethnic and religious groups, who came and stayed for widely differing reasons.

Westward expansion

Uses letters, excerpts from journals and diaries, newspaper articles, and other primary source material to provide a look at life during the second half of the nineteenth century when many Americans moved westward.

The Rocky Mountain fur trade

Chronicles the history of the Rocky Mountain fur trade, discussing how it aided in the expansion of the American West.

Westward expansion

Explores various details of territorial expansion in the United States, covering pioneer life, government relations with Native Americans, the Northwest Ordinance, the Louisiana Purchase, the Texas Revolution, and more, with illustrations, a timeline, and statistics.


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