Provides an account of the Spanish-American War, beginning with the explosion of the USS "Maine" in Cuba's Havana Harbor, discusses the objectives and strategies of the combatants, looks at key battles and leaders, and considers the significance of the conflict.
Provides an account of the Persian Gulf War, which took place in the wake of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, discusses the objectives and strategies of the combatants, looks at key battles and leaders, and considers the significance of the conflict.
Examines the people and political and social issues related to the Korean and Vietnam wars, including the causes, political and military leaders, journalists and activists, and related topics.
An illustrated introduction to the Gulf War of 1991 that discusses the reasons for the war, the weapons used, the public's response, significant people and milestones, and the lasting effects.
A pictorial history of the Vietnam War in which 58,000 Americans were killed, discussing the causes and effects, leaders, major battles, guerrilla warfare, aerial bombing, weaponry, peace negotiations, and lessons learned.
Provides an illustrated overview of America's involvement in World War I, discussing how the conflict started, its impact on the world, the weaponry used, the major battles, and other related topics.