Presents a time line of the Korean War and discusses how and why America became involved in the conflict, the progress of the war, and the end of hostilities.
Discusses the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, and provides information about the people who launched the attack, and America's response.
Provides an illustrated overview of America's involvement in World War I, discussing how the conflict started, its impact on the world, the weaponry used, the major battles, and other related topics.
An illustrated overview of American involvement in World War II, discussing how the war started, the weaponry used, public response, the Holocaust, key people and events, and the lasting effects.
An illustrated introduction to the Vietnam War that discusses the reasons for the war, the battlefields, the weapons used, the public's response, significant people and milestones, and the lasting effects.
"The War in Afghanistan recounts the United States' involvement in the war against terrorism, including incidents leading up to the war, and key events and people"--Back cover.