
Geographic Name

The bloody, rotten Roman Empire

the disgusting details about life in Ancient Rome
Describes disgusting details about daily life in ancient Rome, including housing, food, and sanitation.
Cover image of The bloody, rotten Roman Empire

Julius Caesar

Presents Shakespeare's drama "Julius Caesar" with the original text on the left side of a page and its counterpart modern translation on the right. Also includes helpful commentary on the characters.
Cover image of Julius Caesar


life of a colossus
Chronicles the life of Roman emperor Caius Julius Caesar, discussing his political prowess, his relationships with women, and his military might, focusing on how he came to rule most of the known world by the time of his death.
Cover image of Caesar

Ancient Rome

Covers the inventions and technology of the ancient Roman Empire and how their ideas influenced modern technology.
Cover image of Ancient Rome

Antony and Cleopatra

Contains the text of Shakespeare's drama about the ill-fated love affair between Mark Antony, one of the triumvirs ruling the Roman empire, and Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and includes action summaries, explanatory notes, and an introduction to the playwright's life and theatre.
Cover image of Antony and Cleopatra

The tragedy of Julius Caesar

Contains full explanatory notes opposite edited text of one of the earliest printed editions of Shakespeare's play. Also includes notes on his language, theater, life, a bibliopraphy, and a contemporary essay on the play.
Cover image of The tragedy of Julius Caesar

The Romans

Facts, detailed illustrations and photographs in this book offer real insight into how the Romans lived.

Ancient Roman daily life

An illustrated introduction to daily life in ancient Rome, covering family life, the role of women, children, slaves, Roman homes, common foods, entertainment, clothing, and more.


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