
Geographic Name

The river god's vengeance

In the waning days of the Roman republic, Decius Caecilius Metellus the Younger is elected to the lowly office of aedile, where he is required to investigate the collapse of a tenement building, and finds himself involved in a political scandal that threatens his life.

A murder on the Appian Way

Gordianus the Finder is charged by Pompey the Great to discover what really happened on the Appian Way on January, 52 B.C. after Publius Clodius is found murdered and Titus Milo stands accused.

Gladiators and ancient Rome

Describes life in ancient Rome as well as the gladiators who fought for the entertainment of it populace.

The Romans

an introduction

Augustus Caesar's world

a story of ideas and events from B.C. 44 to 14 A.D.
Parallels comparative religious, social, and political forces which characterized and influenced the Roman Empire during the period just preceding and just following the birth of Christ and examines contemporary events in Greece, Israel, Egypt, China, India, Rome, and Persia.

Technology in ancient Rome

Examines important technological improvements in ancient Rome from around 509 B.C.E. to about 476 C.E. as the Romans primarily by adopting and improving upon technology from subjugated peoples made significant advances in farming and food production, textiles and glassware, and built walls, bridges, roads, and spectacular aqueducts.

The ides of March

A fictionalized account of Julius Caesar's exploits in Rome.

Exploring ancient Rome

"Examines the rise and fall of the Romans. Readers will come away with a comprehensive understanding of who the Romans were, how they built their empire, and what happened to their civilization." --.

Gladiator clash

"When Tom breaks a museum statue he releases an ancient curse. Now he must go back in time to track down six hidden amulets...On Tom's first adventure he arrives in Ancient Rome. To find the amulet, Tom will have to fight the fiercest gladiator who ever lived!"--Back cover.

The genius of the Romans

innovations from past civilizations
Which innovative ideas and inventions began with the Romans? Find out how the Romans trained their soldiers, built their roads and buildings, and supplied their people with food and water. Discover how their brilliant developments in language, government, law, and entertainment still influence the way we live today.


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