pacific northwest

Geographic Name
pacific northwest

Kaya's story collection

A collection of stories about a young Indian girl named Kaya. Kaya dreams of becoming a leader but she has lessons to learn still. For example, she learns the importance of responsibility when she is distracted by a bareback horse race when she was supposed to be caring for her little brothers.

Pacific Northwest

Fodor's Compass American Guides

Salmon forest

During a walk in the woods with her father, Kate learns about the life cycle of the sockeye salmon, as well as its place in the larger circle of life.

O is for orca

a Pacific Northwest alphabet book
Simple text and illustrations introduce the characteristics of various animals, people and areas found in the Pacific Northwest.

Magic hour

a novel
Child psychiatrist Julia Cates, her career and confidence destroyed in the wake of a media-heavy scandal, retreats to her Washington hometown where she becomes involved in the fight to prevent the institutionalization of a traumatized, unidentified girl who has emerged from the forest.

Magic hour

a novel
Julia Cates, a child psychiatrist who has retreated, her career and confidence destroyed, to her Washington hometown in the wake of a media-heavy scandal, attempts to prevent the institutionalization of a traumatized, unidentified girl who has emerged from the forest.


Commissioned to build a machine that will promote gold-rush land-breaking efforts between Civil War-era Seattle and Alaska, inventor Leviticus Blue inadvertently triggers the release of a deadly gas that transforms people into the living dead, a situation that prompts his teenage son to restore the family reputation years later.

Between sisters

a novel
Half-sisters Meghann Dontess, a high-powered lawyer, and Claire Cavenaugh, a single mother who helps run a campground, meet again years after being abandoned by their mother when Claire announces her intention to marry thrice-divorced country crooner Bobby Austin, but the sisters learn they may have waited too long for a reunion when Claire is diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumor.

Circle within a circle

Fourteen-year-old Chris, a runaway, joins the Chinook Indian Coyote in trying to save his people's sacred land from developers planning a beach resort.


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