pacific northwest

Geographic Name
pacific northwest

Kaya and the river girl

Kaya becomes jealous of a girl from another tribe until they are forced to work together in a dangerous situation. Includes historical notes on Indian trading along the Columbia River in 1764, as well as instructions for creating a petroglyph.

The Pacific Northwest coast

Describes the Pacific Northwest and its traditions and provides recipes for foods of the Pacific Northwest.

Timber country

An introduction to the Pacific Northwest, a forested area of great natural beauty, emphasizing the timber industry there.

Kaya shows the way

a sister story
Kaya is determined to find her lost sister, Speaking Rain, and hopes that when thousands of Indian families come together during the summertime, someone may have information about Speaking Rain's whereabouts.

The silent stranger

a Kaya mystery
In 1765, the arrival of an injured stranger arouses suspicion in Kaya's village.

Looking for Bapu

When his beloved grandfather dies, eight-year-old Anu feels that his spirit is near and will stop at nothing to bring him back, including trying to become a Hindu holy man.

How to disappear completely and never be found

With a swimming medal, the key to a mansion, and a comic book about a half-man/half-rat as her only clues, a twelve-year-old girl seeks the true story of her father's mysterious death four years earlier near an island in the Pacific Northwest.

Ghost canoe

Fourteen-year-old Nathan, fishing with the Makah in the Pacific Northwest, finds himself holding a vital clue when a mysterious stranger comes to town looking for Spanish treasure.

Kate on the coast

Kate's letters to her best friend back home chronicle her family's move to the Pacific Northwest and their travels in Washington, Alaska, Canada, California, Oregon, and Hawaii.

The pig war

An easy-to-read account of how the death of a pig nearly caused a war between the Americans and the British.


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