Squire, Ann

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This book covers the habits, physical features, reproduction, and life cycle of birds.

Rocks and minerals

Introduces different types of rocks and minerals and where they are found.
Cover image of Rocks and minerals


Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitats of lemmings.
Cover image of Lemmings


"Learn all about sinkholes, from how they are formed to how they can affect people around the world"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Sinkholes

Planet Mercury

Uses photographs and other recent findings to describe the atmosphere and geographic features of the planet Mercury.
Cover image of Planet Mercury

Planet Neptune

Explores Neptune's size, distance from Earth, atmosphere, moons, and rings, as well as the history of study of the planet.
Cover image of Planet Neptune


Introduces readers to reptiles.
Cover image of Reptiles


the process that has changed America's energy needs
Examines how hydrofracking works, how it used today, and the controversy surrounding it.


Explains what gemstones are, the scale to rank hardness called the Mohs' scale, how stones are weighed, how they are formed, how stones are cut, and non-jewelry uses for gemstones.


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