Squire, Ann

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Introduces different types of rocks and where they are found.

Extreme science careers

Presents information on extreme scientists, including where they work, what they study, and how they conduct their research. Includes statistics, a glossary, and a list of additional resources.
Cover image of Extreme science careers

Lyme disease

"Learn all about Lyme disease, from what causes it and how it affects people to how it is diagnosed and treated"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Lyme disease


"Learn all about the flu, from what causes it and how it affects people to how it is diagnosed and treated."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Flu


"Learn all about ADHD, from what causes it and how it affects people to how it is diagnosed and treated"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of ADHD


"This book explains how seafood is raised, harvested, and processed. It also explores the pros and cons of fish farming and fishing in the wild"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Seafood


the process that has changed America's energy needs
Cover image of Hydrofracking

Volcanic eruptions

Describes what causes different kinds of volcanoes to form and how eruptions work and discusses some of histories most devastating eruptions and how much damage they caused, as well as the methods experts use to predict and protect against eruptions.


Farm to table

organic food
Explains what sets organic food apart from other food and what benefits it offers, along with why organic food costs more and what other drawbacks there are to going organic.


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