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The day it rained forever

a story of the Johnstown flood
When a cheaply constructed dam above Johnstown, Pennsylvania bursts under the onslaught of torrential rains, Christina and her family struggle to escape the floodwater which bears down upon their town.

Yolonda's genius

After moving from Chicago to Grand River, Michigan, fifth grader Yolonda, big and strong for her age, determines to prove that her younger brother is not a slow learner but a true musical genius.

A toad for Tuesday

On Thursday a toad is captured by an owl who saves him to eat on Tuesday, the owl's birthday, but the intervening five days change his mind.

Thimble summer

A few hours after Garnet Linden found a silver thimble in the dried-up river bed, the rains came to end the long drought on the Wisconsin farm.

Heather and the Pink Poodles

The magic attic sends Heather to a televised talent contest in the 1950s, where she performs with a singing group called the Pink Poodles.

Tournament upstart

Under the leadership of their new young coach, a Class B high school basketball team from the Ozark foothills challenges big-city schools for the state championship.

Danger on Vampire Trail

The Hardy boys and two friends take a camping trip to the Rocky Mountains in an attempt to locate a gang of credit-card counterfeiters.

Halloween helpers

The Pee Wee Scouts are worried when Mrs. Peters is called out of town, leaving them with no one to help plan their big Halloween party, but after a couple of disastrous substitutes, they finally find a leader who has a plan for a great celebration.

Bookworm buddies

The members of the Pee Wee Scouts are not thrilled when they learn that their next badge will be earned for reading books, but they discover that having their own library cards is a bigger responsbility than they had imagined and also a lot of fun.

George's marvelous medicine

George decides that his grumpy, selfish old grandmother must be a witch and concocts some marvelous medicine to take care of her.


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