economic aspects

Topical Term
economic aspects

The future of food

Discusses a number of food-related problems, including how food insecure nations from Africa export much of its produce to the West and the carbon footprints of live stock producers.

The future of food

Discusses the potential for a global food crisis and the possibility of future wars fought over agricultural resources.

Economy in and between communities

Introduces students to key concepts related to the economy of a community, discussing the difference between goods and services, wants and needs, and looking at the role of taxes, personal responsibility, and work.

The big fail

what the pandemic revealed about who America protects and who it leaves behind
"In 2020, the novel coronavirus pandemic made it painfully clear that the U.S. could not adequately protect its citizens. Millions of Americans suffered-and over a million died--in less than two years, while government officials blundered; prize-winning economists overlooked devastating trade-offs; and elites escaped to isolated retreats, unaffected by and even profiting from the pandemic. Why and how did America, in a catastrophically enormous failure, become the world leader in COVID deaths? . . . Veteran journalists Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera offer fresh and provocative answers . . . [T]hey investigate both what really happened when governments ran out of PPE due to snarled supply chains and the shock to the financial system when the world's biggest economy stumbled. They zero in on the effectiveness of wildly polarized approaches, with governors Andrew Cuomo of New York and Ron DeSantis of Florida taking infamous turns in the spotlight. And they trace why thousands died in hollowed-out hospital systems and nursing homes run by private equity firms to 'maximize shareholder value'"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The big fail

Creative arts careers in the gig economy

"Rather than work at inflexible jobs that stifle their imagination, gig workers actively participate in constructing their own careers. And creativity and ingenuity are central to the most popular careers in the gig economy-blogging, podcasting, and selling arts, crafts, and fashions on e-commerce sites like Etsy"--.
Cover image of Creative arts careers in the gig economy

H is for hope

climate change from A to Z
"In 26 connected essays, . . . reporter Elizabeth Kolbert takes us on an illustrated journey through the landscape of climate change and the stories we tell ourselves about the future"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of H is for hope

Thomas Piketty's capital & ideology

a graphic novel adaptation
"Thomas Piketty's powerful and bestselling Capital and Ideology is now available in this accessible and richly illustrated full-color graphic novel format. Praised by Piketty himself as a 'magnificent adaptation' of his original book, this graphic novel adaptation is perfect for anyone looking to understand the wealth gap and why society is the way it is today. Claire Alet and Benjamin Adam make the original work's ideas more accessible through the addition of a family saga. Jules, the main character, is born at the end of the 19th century. He is a person of private means, a privileged figure representative of a profoundly unequal society obsessed with property. He, his family circle, and his descendants will experience the evolution of wealth and society. Eight generations of his family serve as a connecting thread running through the book, all the way up to L?a, a young woman today, who discovers the family secret at the root of their inheritance. The book concludes with six compelling proposals for participatory socialism in the 21st century"--Provided by publisher.

The algorithm

how AI decides who gets hired, monitored, promoted, and fired and why we need to fight back now
"Hilke Schellmann . . . investigates the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the world of work . . . [discovering] that many of the algorithms making high-stakes decisions are biased, racist, and do more harm than good. Schellmann takes readers on a journalistic detective story, testing algorithms that have secretly analyzed job candidates' facial expressions and tone of voice. She investigates algorithms that scan our online activity . . . to construct personality profiles. Her reporting reveals how employers track the location of their employees, the keystrokes they make, access everything on their screens, and, during meetings, analyze group discussions to diagnose problems in a team. Even universities are now using predictive analytics for admission offers and financial aid"--Provided by publisher.

The plague year

America in the time of COVID

V is for victory

Franklin Roosevelt's American Revolution and the triumph of World War II
"[This book] reveals how FDR confronted an American public disinterested in going to war in Europe, skillfully won their support, and pushed government and American industry to build the greatest war machine in history"--Provided by publisher.


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