economic aspects

Topical Term
economic aspects

The children are dying

the impact of sanctions on Iraq

Sports for sale

television, money, and the fans


Describes factors that have led to globalization, including trade and technological progress, and the roles of the United Nations, IMF, World Bank, and World Trade Organization in the management of globalization, and discusses arguments regarding its fairness and its impact on people in developing countries.

Economic migrants

Explores the various reasons for the economic migration of thousands of people from one place to another, why they are no longer able to make a living where they are, the effects of poverty, the lure of land, and more.

The world is curved

hidden dangers to the global economy
Financial market strategist David Smick comments on the volatile state of the U.S. economy, looking at how the mortgage crisis came about, offering his opinions on how bad things could get, and discussing how economic trends around the world are affecting events in America.

Working in the shadows

a year of doing the jobs (most) Americans won't do
Journalist Gabriel Thompson recounts his time spent working alongside undocumented workers in lettuce fields, at a poultry plant, and in the kitchen of a restaurant, examining the sociocultural and economic difficulties and complexities experienced by his coworkers at each of the demanding and low-paying jobs.


the economics of great powers from ancient Rome to modern America
Presents a historical account from the Ming Dynasty to Ottoman Turkey to Imperial Spain of how economic imbalances caused civil collapse and why the United States could be next.

Lessons from a street-wise professor

what you won't learn at most music schools

The savvy musician

building a career, earning a living & making a difference
Discusses how musicians can balance various aspects of their professional life, covering how to build a career, earn a living, and contribute meaningfully to society, with details about business plans, marketing, branding, networking, and other related topics.

The new geography of jobs

"An unprecedented redistribution of American jobs, population, and wealth is under way, and it is likely to accelerate in the years to come. In this important and persuasive book, Berkeley economist Enrico Moretti reveals this "new geography of jobs" that's benefitting centers of innovation like San Francisco, Durham, and Boston. And the winners and losers aren't necessarily whom you'd expect. Moretti's groundbreaking research shows that you don't have to be a scientist or an engineer to thrive in one of these brain hubs"--Provided by publisher.


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