economic aspects

Topical Term
economic aspects

For-profit education

Examines for-profit education stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest. Selections by experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens include complete articles and speeches, long book excerpts, and occasional cartoons and boxed quotations all up to date and fully documented.

Managing artists in pop music

what every artist and manager must know to succeed
Presents a guide to managing music artists in the entertainment industry, and includes information on how managers select artists, fair artist-management contracts, understanding record deals, planning for longevity, and tips on avoiding career pitfalls, taxes, laws, and finances.

Bad sports

how owners are ruining the games we love
Sportswriter Dave Zirin examines how the business side of professional sports hurts the games and discusses immoral practices by team owners.

Money in sports

Explains how money and economics are important and used in multiple ways in professional sports.

Free ride

how digital parasites are destroying the culture business, and how the culture business can fight back
A report on how the Internet is significantly compromising the newspaper, music, and film industries and offers advice to media industry insiders on how to use innovative solutions to reclaim profits.

The world is flat

a brief history of the twenty-first century
Contains an overview of the global political and economic change since the turn of the twenty-first century, discussing the rapid developments in technologies that has allowed India and China to become part of a growing supply chain of manufacturing impacting global markets.

Does outsourcing harm America?

Provides a quick grounding concerning the issue, does outsourcing harm America, as well as many viewpoints on this subject. Challenges critical thinking while students learn about this controversial issue.


Readers will find useful information to write a successful descriptive essay about recycling, including thesis statements, introductions, and conclusions. In addition, readers will find information to compile a source cited list using MLA style.

The rise of the creative class

and how it's transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life
Explores the impact the growing role of creativity has had on the American economy, explaining how creative people are gradually changing American society, its values, tastes, relationships, careers, and cities.

Should college athletes be paid?

Contains thirteen essays that provide varying perspectives on whether or not college athletes should be paid, discussing post-eligibility school benefits, endorsement deals, illegal payments and gambling, athletic scholarships, and other topics; and including contact information for organizations and a bibliography.


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