
Topical Term

The golden bough

a study in magic and religion

Pope Francis

Details the Pope's humble beginnings, how he became a priest and bishop, and eventually Pope of the Catholic Church.

No god but God

the origins and evolution of Islam
Offers a detailed overview of Islam, discussing the religion's origins, beliefs, place in Western culture, and traditions.

Colonization: 1607-1760

The colonization of what would become the United States of America was a key period in the nations history. Colonization: 1607-1760 recounts the important period of large-scale colonization of the area. It includes the development of the first large towns, the arrival of the Pilgrims, the formation of the Thirteen Colonies, and other key events.

The wisdom of insecurity

a message for an age of anxiety
Suggests that the best way to achieve security in life is to let go of the anxiety associated with the past and future, understand and accept the limits of technology and science, and to focus on the present moment.

The seasons: natural rites and traditions

The seasons: natural rites and traditions pursues an understanding of different rites and cultural understanding of the world around us.

Beliefs, rituals, and symbols of India

Learn about India's fascinating religions, history, and folklore from Ganesh to Gandhi in this illuminating text..

Life in ancient Egypt

This comprehensive look at the Egyptians daily lives covers their houses, family relationships and duties, food and dining customs, social status and roles, marriage customs, health and personal grooming, education, occupations and crafts, leisure activities, religious beliefs and rituals, and much more..


a history : the great doubters and their legacy of innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson
Explores doubt as an engine of creativity and as an alternative to the political and intellectual dangers of certainty, and celebrates the heroes of doubt who have challenged widely held beliefs throughout history.

Wise women

over two thousand years of spiritual writing by women
Includes approximately ninety writings by women from ancient, medieval, and modern times, addressing various aspects of the spiritual life, such as love of God and nature, desire for healing, prayer, friendship, and the experience of emptiness.


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