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When a new, white student nicknamed "The Jesus Boy" joins her sixth grade class in the winter of 1971, Frannie's growing friendship with him makes her start to see some things in a new light.

The golden bough

a study in magic and religion
A study of world religions, magic, vegetation, fertility beliefs, rites, kingship, taboos, and totemism.

Unprotected texts

the Bible's surprising contradictions about sex and desire
"UNPROTECTED TEXTS will directly and pointedly address widely shared misconceptions about biblical writings and sex, arguing that the Bible cannot--and should not--serve as a rulebook for sexual morality, despite popular claims to the contrary. This is a major book by a top biblical scholar that will shed much-needed light on what the Bible actually says about sex, desire, monogamy, homosexuality, and how we should interpret those thorny verses today. Written over the course of more than 2,000 years, the books of the Bible offer many different-and conflicting-versions of sexual morality. With clarity and precision, Knust addresses the big questions people continue to ask when it comes to sex and the Bible: Is pre-marital sex a sin? When, and in what contexts, is sexual desire appropriate? With whom can I legitimately have sex? Are same-sex relations permissible? What about multiple partners? Is extra-marital sex always wrong? And what is "sex" anyway? With repeated "ah-ha" moments for the reader, Knust reveals what the Bible really says about a topic of perennial interest"--.

Religious pluralism in America

the contentious history of a founding ideal
Chronicles the United States' struggle to fulfill the promise of its founding ideals by accepting and encouraging religious diversity.

The God delusion

Atheist biologist Richard Dawkins presents scientific evidence against the existence of a deity, refutes arguments for God's existence, and argues that faith is dangerous, also discussing such topics as religion's roots, morality's origins, and the indoctrination of children.

What is religion?

Explains that religions help people examine questions about life, death, and the existence of God, and describes elements that world religions have in common, including basic belief systems, holy writings, sacred places, and special holidays and celebrations.

The golden bough

the roots of religion and folklore
Explores myths and folktales across cultures and centuries, and discusses magic and witchcraft, taboos and sexual rites, nature of the soul and of religion, and human sacrifice.

Sikhs and Sikhism

Sikhs are perhaps the most easily recognizable religious sect in India. ... In this book Professor Kapoor explains the development of Sikhism, , its struggle for survival and how this religin is adaptin to the needs of modern believers.


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