
Geographic Name

Paul Cuffe

A biography of the American seaman and merchant who encouraged fellow blacks to colonize Sierra Leone, who sought a stronger legal position for blacks in America, and who was responsible for a Massachusetts law giving blacks the right to vote.

Notes from an accidental band geek

French horn virtuoso Elsie Wyatt resents having to join her high school's marching band playing a melliphone, but finally finds a sense of belonging that transcends the pressure she has always felt to be as good as her father, principal french horn player in the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

The Pox party

Various diaries, letters, and other manuscripts chronicle the experiences of Octavian, a young African American, from birth to age sixteen, as he is brought up as part of a science experiment in the years leading up to and during the Revolutionary War.

Blind faith

While coping with her grandmother's sudden death and her mother's resulting depression and fascination with a spiritualist church, whose ministers claim to communicate with the dead, fifteen-year-old Liz finds herself falling for a new neighbor whose mother is dying of cancer.

The bridesmaid

Having vowed as children never to marry after witnessing many disastrous weddings and obnoxious brides in their parents' wedding planning business, fifteen-year-old Abby is dismayed when her older sister Carol suddenly gets engaged and turns into "Bridezilla.".

Witch child

In 1659, fourteen-year-old Mary Newbury keeps a journal of her voyage from England to the New World and her experiences living as a witch in a community of Puritans near Salem, Massachusetts.

Pilgrim voices

our first year in the New World
Actual Pilgrim diaries are used to tell the dramatic story of the Mayflower journey, joys and sorrows in the new land and eventual Thanksgiving celebration.

Meet the real pilgrims

everyday life on Plimoth Plantation in 1627
Describes everyday life in a replica of the 17th-century community and presents interviews with men and women who speak Elizabethan English and live as the original settlers did.

The Massachusetts colony

An introduction to the Massachusetts colony, one of the original thirteen American colonies, examining the daily lives of settlers and the Native Americans who first occupied the land, looking at the role of Massachusetts in the fight for independence from England, and including brief profiles of Massachusetts' founding fathers.

Thanksgiving then and now

Explains how the Pilgrims' first Thanksgiving in 1621 differs from today's holiday in terms of activities and food.


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