
Geographic Name

The voyage of the Mayflower

Presents a short history of the voyage of the Mayflower in 1620 written in graphic novel format, and focuses on the reasons why the Pilgrims came to the New World and how they started Plymouth Colony.

Paul Revere's ride

Provides information about silversmith Paul Revere's life in colonial America, and discusses his role in the earliest battle of the Revolutionary War.

Paul Revere

Presents a short biography of American patriot, Paul Revere and describes how the colonial silversmith helped to further the cause of independence.

Anne Hutchinson

Presents a short biography of Anne Hutchinson, her youth in England and journey to America in 1634, her campaign against slavery and other injustices, her death in 1643, and the legacy she left behind.

William Bradford

Presents a short biography of William Bradford, his childhood in England and life in Holland, arrival in the new world aboard the Mayflower, the Mayflower Compact and Plymouth Colony, and his long career as governor of the colony.

The Mayflower Compact

Examines the formation of the Mayflower Compact and its importance as the first written document of self-government in the new world and provides information on the early settlers and the reasons they left England as well as the struggles of the Plymouth Plantation.

Midnight riders

a fun song about the ride of Paul Revere and William Dawes
Relates the Revolutionary War adventures of Paul Revere and William Dawes, who alerted the Minutemen when British troops arrived in Boston, interspersed with verses of original song lyrics to be sung to the tune of "Over Hill, Over Dale.".


Discusses the history, economy, culture, and future of Massachusetts. Also includes a state chronology and pertinent statistics.

You wouldn't want to sail on the Mayflower!

a trip that took entirely too long
Presents a children's book for early readers about what a young girl needed to know in order to prepare for her trip on the Mayflower.

Midnight rider

Fourteen-year-old Hannah, an orphan indentured to the family of a British general in Boston in 1775, begins attending secret meetings diguised as a boy, then passing messages and warnings to the revolutionaries using her beloved horse, Promise.


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