sustainable living

Topical Term
sustainable living

Living in a sustainable way

green communities
Describes how people worldwide are wasting energy and threatening the environment. Also provides information on how to live more sustainably through such activities as recycling, using green sources of energy, car-sharing, and reducing air travel.

Recycle this book

100 top children's book authors tell you how to go green
One hundred children's book authors suggest ways in which individuals can help the environment, discussing one's home, school, community, and world.

Green algae and bubble gum wars

The girls of Beacon Street persuade their families, school, and community to become more environmentally conscious, and participate in the Sally Ride Science Festival where they must present their own projects that support living Green.

Home grown

adventures in parenting off the beaten path, unschooling, and reconnecting with the natural world
"An account of one family's choice to live close to nature and to allow their children to learn naturally, without school, in a self-directed manner"--Amazon.

Reducing your foodprint

farming, cooking, and eating for a healthy planet
A discussion of energy conservation, reviewing the history of cultivation, and looking at how people can develop a more sustainable lifestyle through their eating habits by going organic, eating locally, using fair trade food, and green cooking.

We rise

the earth guardians guide to building a movement that restores the planet
"... explores many aspects of effective activism and provides step-by-step information on how to start and join solution oriented movements"--Back cover.
Cover image of We rise

The animal lover's guide to changing the world

practical advice and everyday actions for a more sustainable, humane, and compassionate planet
The author offers advice on how to live animal friendly and discusses everyday actions that can make the planet more sustainable and humane.
Cover image of The animal lover's guide to changing the world

Thinking green

An exploration of sustainable living, covering e-pollution, reducing waste, telecommuting, related careers, and more.

Eating green

Offers information on reducing one's carbon footprint by eating sustainable foods, covering eating locally, gardening, organic standards, reducing food waste, and more.

Our Earth, our species, our selves

Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves shows how you can thrive while engaging in effective and enjoyable actions you will want to take to create a more sustainable world.
Cover image of Our Earth, our species, our selves


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