sustainable living

Topical Term
sustainable living

Confessions of an eco-sinner

tracking down the sources of my stuff
The author reports on the what he learned after traveling the globe in search of the sources of the goods he uses in the course of his everyday life, including coffee, bananas, computers, cell phones, and other items.

Changing habits, living green

Gives readers tips on how they can make simple lifestyle choices to help keep the environment clean and protected, and also explains why people need to change their habits to keep Earth a clean, healthy place to live.

Creciendo verde

Explains what sustainable living is and describes simple measures people can take to lead a greener life.

All you need is less

the eco-friendly guide to guilt-free green living and stress-free simplicity

What does it mean to go green?

Explains how to reduce, reuse, and recycle to preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.

Living green at home

Teaches children about being environmentally conscious at home.

How carbon footprints work

An introduction to carbon footprints and sustainable living.

The world we made

Alex McKay's story from 2050
Our planet's future is too often described in terms of doom and despair. However, there is another perspective that is not only positive, but credible, too. The book describes a planet that is green, fair, connected, and collaborative. Based on extensive research, leading environmentalist Jonathon Porritt reveals how we can achieve a genuinely sustainable world by 2050 if we act immediately. Part history, part narrative, the book describes the key events, technological breakthroughs, and lifestyle revolutions that could transform our planet, covering topics as wide-ranging as 3D printing, personal genomics, urban agriculture, and the digital landscape. The book's innovative ideas are brought to life with futuristic photographs, infographics, and hand-drawn sketches, while an extensive index provides the tools and tips needed to prepare for what's ahead.

The imperfect environmentalist

a practical guide to clearing your body, detoxing your home, and saving the earth (without losing your mind)


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