computer crimes

Topical Term
computer crimes

The Internet and crime

Provides varying perspectives on issues related to computer crimes and laws associated with the Internet, discussing regulation of online auction and classified sites, online pharmacies, and restrictions on social networking.

Encyclopedia of cybercrime

Contains over eighty alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on topics related to cybercrime, covering online banking, child pornography, election and voting fraud, intellectual property, piracy, and many other issues, and including a resource guide and index.


espionage on the Internet
Discusses the wide range of espionage activity on the Web, role of cryptology in modern communications, industrial spying, and raises questions as to how the Internet will influence privacy and property rights.

Computer crime

phreaks, spies, and salami slicers
Describes different computer crimes, including hacking, computer fraud, viruses, and Internet scams, discussing the methods used to commit them and penalties for those who are caught.

Virtual crime!

solving cybercrime
Describes how forensics helps solve crimes committed on the Internet.

Cyber crime

Presents opposing perspectives on topics such as identity theft, cyber-terrorism, Internet piracy, online predators, file-sharing, organizational mismanagement, trade and federal disclosure laws, civil liberties, "cyber-stalking," and the responsibility of companies and consumers.


Defines cybercrime and examines how crimes committed with the use of a computer are investigated, discussing identifying suspects, tracking Web sites and e-mail, gathering and analyzing evidence, and other related topics.

Tom Clancy's Net Force

private lives
The Net Force tries to exonerate their leader, who is accused of murder.

Tom Clancy's Net Force

The Net Force Explorers, a group of teenage whiz kids who sometimes know more about computers than their adult superiors, decide to investigate when runaways who work for a mysterious courier service start to disappear.

Tom Clancy's Net Force

death match
Catie Murray, one of the Net Force Explorers, a group of teens who fight Internet crime, enlists the help of her friends when the all-amateur South Florida spatball team is threatened by big-time gamblers who do not want to see the amateurs beat their professional competitors.


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