Pet trouble

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Runaway retriever

Merlin, Parker's new golden retriever, is the perfect pet, but it turns out that Merlin is so fond of Parker that he escapes he crate and yard to follow Parker every time he leaves.
Cover image of Runaway retriever

Smarty-pants Sheltie

Noah tries to control his Shetland sheepdog, Jeopardy, so she does not embarrass him while he tries to meet other kids at an agility training class.
Cover image of Smarty-pants Sheltie

Mud-puddle poodle

Rosie thinks having a puppy will help her deal with the problems that accompany being the only daughter in a family of five children, but when she realizes that her new pet is the exact opposite of her, she worries she will not be able to live with it.
Cover image of Mud-puddle poodle

Oh no, Newf

Heidi always thought that she was energetic enough for any dog. She loves to play and run around and wants a big, enthusiastic dog to play with her and love her. But Yeti the Newfoundland might be a little more love than Heidi bargained for. He's HUGE, and massively furry, and everything he does -- jumping, wrestling, flopping -- makes the whole house shake. Heidi loves Yeti, and she loves how much he loves her ... but is there really room enough for both of them?.
Cover image of Oh no, Newf

Bulldog won't budge

Ella adopts Meatball, a bulldog abandoned at his mother's veterinarian office.
Cover image of Bulldog won't budge

Bad to the bone boxer

Michelle does not know what to do when her new boxer Tombo's habit of chewing everything in sight puts a rift in her relationship with her best friend.

Dachshund disaster

Charlie is happy to finally get a pet of his own, but trouble brews when King, a dachshund who is devoted to Charlie, makes it clear he does not like anyone else--human or animal.

Dachshund disaster

Charlie is happy to finally get a pet of his own, but trouble brews when King, a dachshund who is devoted to Charlie, makes it clear he does not like anyone else--human or animal.

Smarty-pants Sheltie

Noah tries to control his Shetland sheepdog, Jeopardy, so she does not embarrass him while he tries to meet other kids at an agility training class.

Smarty-pants Sheltie

When Noah takes the family's Shetland sheepdog, Jeopardy, to agility training, and she refuses to behave, he worries that her antics will keep him from making friends and fitting in this new town and at his new school.


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