Pet trouble

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Bad to the bone boxer

Michelle's energetic and playful boxer, Tombo, chews on everything he can and is always getting into so much trouble that Michelle's best friend Rosie won't let him play with her poodle, Buttons, so Michelle must try to make him behave.

Oh no, newf!

Heidi, who is very active, worries that her Newfoundland Yeti, whom she loves very much, is too large to live in her house.

Bad to the bone boxer

Michelle does not know what to do when her new boxer Tombo's habit of chewing everything in sight puts a rift in her relationship with her best friend.

Bulldog won't budge

Eric is anxious to get a dog that will run and play with him, but Meatball the bulldog just wants to sit down.

Mud-puddle poodle

Rosie thinks having a puppy will help her deal with the problems that accompany being the only daughter in a family of five children, but when she realizes that her new pet is the exact opposite of her, she worries she will not be able to live with it.

Runaway retriever

Merlin, Parker's new golden retriever, is the perfect pet, but it turns out that Merlin is so fond of Parker that he escapes he crate and yard to follow Parker every time he leaves.

Loudest beagle on the block

Ella, just starting to make friends thanks to her new beagle, Trumpet, finds herself with a dilemma when Trumpet starts to howl loudly everytime she tries to practice for her singing performance in the school talent show.


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