While running away from home and an unwanted marriage, a thirteen-year-old Eskimo girl becomes lost on the North Slope of Alaska and is befriended by a wolf pack.
Describes a typical day in the life of the Inuit, a people found in North America, emphasizing how children are raised and educated, what laws and social rules they are subject to, contact with the outside world, and a view of the future.
While running away from home and an unwanted marriage, a thirteen-year-old Eskimo girl becomes lost on the North Slope of Alaska and is befriended by a wolf pack.
Stranded on an island during a mapping expedition in 1924, a seventeen-year-old Inuit girl writes about her life on the tundra and the changes brought about by the Europeans who settled Canada.
Tired of his mother's overprotectiveness and intrigued by the life of African American explorer Matthew Henson, twelve-year-old Alvin travels north and spends a season with a trapper near the Arctic Circle.
When Julie returns to her father's Eskimo village, she struggles to find a way to save her beloved wolves in a changing Arctic world and she falls in love with a young Siberian man.