Presents a fictionalized account of the life of Minik, a Polar Eskimo taken by explorer Robert Peary, along with Minik's father, Smiler, and four others, to be presented as exhibits to the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
While running away from home and an unwanted marriage, a thirteen-year-old Eskimo girl becomes lost on the North Slope of Alaska and is befriended by a wolf pack.
The other Inuit boys ridicule little Inunguak, who cannot hunt and spends all his time listening to his grandfather's old stories of the People, until bad times come to Greenland and the stories become useful.
Photographs and text provide information about the traditional lifestyles of five distinct groups of native peoples who live in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic.
A brief, simplified retelling of the episode in "The Jungle Book" in which Quiquern tries to save his village during a snowstorm by setting out on a dog sled to search for food.