
Topical Term

Predict it!

"How do we know anything about anything? Because someone got curious and asked a question! Scientists use experiments to test their predictions. Making predictions is an important scientific practice. Ask questions, make predictions, and test possible answers to see what you discover next!"--Provided by publisher.

Did dinosaurs eat pizza?

mysteries science hasn't solved
Discusses some of the things paleontologists have learned about dinosaurs, and identifies a host of mysteries that still exist about the prehistoric creatures.
Cover image of Did dinosaurs eat pizza?

Written in bones

how human remains unlock the secrets of the dead
Explains how modern scientific techniques are used to piece together the stories behind human remains and how the information is used to create a picture of the cultures and ritual beliefs of a range of ancient societies.
Cover image of Written in bones

Practical steps to digital research

strategies and skills for school libraries
Presents a hands-on approach to teaching digital research skills that break down the research skills into simple, targeted steps that enable students to research more deeply, accomplish real-world tasks, and prepare them to conduct digital research throughout the remainder of their education. Covers a concise six-step process for teaching digital research skills, practical hands-on lessons, proposes research strategies that meet the needs of students at all grade levels, and lessons relating to specific skills.
Cover image of Practical steps to digital research

Visible learning

a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement
Draws on fifteen years of research and more than eight hundred meta-analyses to examine the factors that influence achievement in school-aged students.
Cover image of Visible learning

The research virtuoso

brilliant methods for normal brains
An easy-to-follow guide to finding and sorting information on any topic, explaining how to use a wide range of research tools and how to determine fact from fiction.

The case of the gasping garbage

(and other super-scientific cases)
Fourth-graders Drake Doyle and Nell Fossey combine their detective and scientific investigation skills to solve a variety of cases, involving a noisy garbage can, endangered frogs, a stuck truck, and a mysterious love letter.

The case of the crooked carnival

(and other super-scientific cases)
Fourth-graders Drake Doyle and Nell Fossey combine their detective and scientific investigation skills to solve cases involving a crooked carnival barker, a mysterious ghost, an alien plant species invading wildlife habitats, and a wobbly bridge.

The case of the barfy birthday

(and other super-scientific cases)
Fifth graders Drake Doyle and Nell Fossey use their detective and scientific investigation skills to solve cases which involve food poisoning, missing terns, a haunted treehouse, and a pig in a pit.

One minute mysteries

65 short mysteries you solve with math!
A collection of sixty-five one-minute mysteries that help children develop critical thinking skills, covering geometry, data and statistics, algebra, and measurement.


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