small business

Topical Term
small business

The minimum wage

Explores the topics relating to the minimum wage, the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers, by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise this issue.

The kids' business book

Profiles business owners who began their businesses between the ages of seven and twelve, describes simple methods of starting a business, and includes tips on accounting and advertising.

Careers for homebodies & other independent souls

Presents a general overview of career opportunities for self-motivated people, covering small business ownership, home-based franchises, freelancing and consulting, product and service providers, and home workers in other areas.

Careers for self-starters & other entrepreneurial types

Offers advice for people interested in pursuing careers as small business owners relating the experiences of two dozen entrepreneurs involved in bed-and-breakfast inn management, writing, service industries, and performing.

Going going

Florrie, a sixteen-year-old living in San Antonio, Texas, leads her friends and a new boyfriend in a campaign which supports small businesses and protests the effects of chain stores.

Starting a business

have fun and make money
This book presents a step-by-step guide for developing a business for fun and profit, including developing a business plan and a budget.


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