Healthy eating

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All kinds of drinks

Photographs and illustrations describe how the right kinds of drinks such as milk, water, and natural juices helps to maintain a balanced diet; and describes the dangers of drinking too much soda or caffeine.

Fruits and vegetables

Photographs and illustrations describe how the proper amount of fruits and vegetables help to make up a balanced diet.

Nutrition for sports and exercise

A guide to nutrition for athletes and exercise enthusiasts that discusses nutrient needs, how the body uses nutrients during exercise, electrolytes, ergogenic supplements, and other related topics.

Milk and cheese

Simple text and photographs present the foods that are part of the milk and cheese group and their nutritional importance.

Meat and protein

Simple text and photographs present the foods that are part of the meat and protein group and their nutritional importance.


Simple text and photographs present the foods that are part of the grains group and their nutritional importance.


Simple text and photographs present the foods that are part of the fruits group and their nutritional importance.

Nutrition and weight management

Examines nutrition and weight management, discussing the obesity epidemic, healthy body weight, health risks of being overweight or underweight, calorie requirements, diets, and other related topics.

Nutrition and disease prevention

Examines the role of nutrition in disease prevention, discussing deficiency diseases, undernutrition, overnutrition, micronutrient insufficiency, problems of metabolism, nutrigenomics, and research in the area; and offers information on making decisions about nutrition.

Basic nutrition

Presents overviews of the components of nutrition, such as carbohydrates, fiber, and protein, explaining what they do for the body and discussing the effects of deficiencies, and describes a healthy diet.


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