study and teaching

Geographic Name
study and teaching

United States government

democracy in action
A textbook for United States government emphasizing fourteen key government concepts, including the growth of democracy, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, civil liberties, constitutional interpretations, free enterprise, and more.

The Star-spangled banner

Contains narratives and activities, including crosswords, mapping, and comprehension questions, that teach students in fourth through eighth grade about "The Star-Spangled Banner.".


a critical response to the 1619 Project
"Sums up what . . . critics have said . . . [about the 1619 Project] . . . and argues that the proper starting point for the American story is 1620, with the signing of the Mayflower Compact aboard ship before the Pilgrims set foot in the Massachusetts wilderness"
Cover image of 1620

Facilitator's guide

Courageous conversations about race : a field guide for achieving equity in schools
"... shows staff developers how to develop training for educators that examines the relationship between race and achievement and promotes academic parity"

Ancient civilizations activities

Contains activities designed to teach students about ancient civilizations.

Hands-on history

Contains templates, instructions, and reproducible pages for easy-to-make projects designed to help students in grades four through eight learn about history.
Cover image of Hands-on history

Hands-on history

Contains instructions and patterns for a variety of easy-to-make projects designed to teach students in grades four through eight about Colonial America.
Cover image of Hands-on history

Primary sources teaching kit

Contains reproductions of a selection of primary source documents from the Civil War era, each with background information and teaching suggestions.
Cover image of Primary sources teaching kit


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