study and teaching

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study and teaching

The American pageant

a history of the American people
The new edition of American Pageant, the leading program for AP U.S. history, now reflects the redesigned AP Course and Exam that begins with the 2014-2015 school year. The 16th edition helps prepare students for success on the AP Exam by 1) helping them practice historical thinking skills, pulling together concepts with events, and 2) giving them practice answering questions modeled after those they'll find on the exam. The new edition adds a two-page opener/preview to every chapter, guiding students through the main points of the chapter and using questions and elements tied to the AP Curriculum Framework to help them internalize the chapter more conceptually. Also new are additional End-of-Part multiple-choice and short answer questions reflecting the changes to the exam. Practice DBQs and other free response essay questions will still be found at the back of the book.
Cover image of The American pageant

Not light, but fire

how to lead meaningful race conversations in the classroom
Matthew Kay outlines how to have productive dialogues about race in the classroom. He presents practical strategies for engaging with students, maintaining that schools are the best places for young people to discuss race.
Cover image of Not light, but fire


Movie resource book
Helps teachers review Aztec history and influence on Dial de los Muertos, in addition to review how it is currently celebrated, while following along with the beloved movie Coco.

Teaching for black lives

Provides a curriculum for teaching students in high school about African American history and contemporary issues, discussing slavery, civil rights, gentrification, mass incarceration, black identity, and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Cover image of Teaching for black lives

Comic books and American cultural history

an anthology
Collects sixteen essays that examine ways in which comic books can be used to understand the history of the United States.
Cover image of Comic books and American cultural history

Beyond the textbook

using trade books and databases to teach our nation's history, grades 7-12
Describes how high school teachers and librarians can teach American history using trade books and databases, with lesson plans.
Cover image of Beyond the textbook

20 plays for U.S. history classes

Presents twenty reproducible plays about events, topics, and figures in U.S. history such as the Jamestown settlement, the Little Rock school crisis, and Sacagawea.
Cover image of 20 plays for U.S. history classes

Learning about colonial America with arts & crafts

Offers information about colonial America and includes instructions for related arts and crafts.
Cover image of Learning about colonial America with arts & crafts

New York geography projects

30 cool activities, crafts, experiments & more for kids to do!
Contains thirty hands-on activities, crafts, and experiments designed to teach students about the geography of New York state.
Cover image of New York geography projects


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