popular culture

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popular culture

Guinness World Records 2017

block busters!
A collection of records involving movies, music, social media, TV shows, books, and more.


Explores how automobiles oth reflect & shape popular culture in America.

Rookie yearbook one

As a young teenager, Gevinson couldn?t find what she was looking for in a teen magazine; Rookie is the one she created herself to fill that void. This is a collection of articles, interviews, photo editorials, and illustrations from the highly praised and hugely popular online magazine RookieMag.com. Rookie?s contributors and interviewees have included prominent makers of popular culture such as Lena Dunham, Miranda July, Joss Whedon, Jon Hamm, Zooey Deschanel, David Sedaris, Elle Fanning, Amy Poehler, Paul Rudd, John Waters, Chloe Sevigny, Liz Phair, Dan Savage, JD Samson, Ira Glass, Aubrey Plaza, Daniel Clowes, Carrie Brownstein, Paul Feig, Bethany Cosentino, Kimya Dawson, Fred Armisen, and Winnie Holzman. Includes the plastic tear out Rookie Tunes rpm with I Don't Care by the Dum Dum Girls and Superrookie by Supercute..

Entertainment through the years

how having fun has changed in living memory
Looks at how entertainment has changed since the 1950s.

The Incredible '60s

the stormy years that changed America
A comprehensive portrait of the 1960s that includes coverage of the era's counterculture movement, anti-war protests, and civil rights demonstrations.

One nation under a groove

Motown and American culture
Explores the influence Motown has had on America in respect to music and racial relationships and identity, looking at the social climate of the 1950s and 1960s and the rise of youth culture that set the stage for Berry Gordy and his business.

The Old West

history and heritage
Volume one in an eleven-volume set with alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on the history of the Old West, covering key events and people who shaped the region and its heritage.

American nerd

the story of my people
A meditation on nerds, or individuals who are considered unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept, that considers their history in popular culture and discusses subcultures, such as online gamers and science-fiction club members; the similarities betweens nerds and people with autism spectrum disorder; and other related topics.

Natural born celebrities

serial killers in American culture
The author examines the history of serial killers and how they became famous including the infamous Jack the Ripper, the 1893 killing spree at the Chicago World's Fair by H.H. Holmes, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and others.

Popular culture in the twentieth century

This book covers the topics - film, popular music, design, fashion, the media, and sports in the twentieth century.


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