
Topical Term

The time witches

Abby Clover, having defeated Wolfbane, the leader of the Night Witches, is looking forward to a return to her quiet, normal life, but she learns her struggles are not yet over when Wolfbane returns seeking revenge.


Twelve-year-old Lottie and her best friend Lewis, who speaks only to her, find themselves in a world called LightLand, where they confront the dreaded NightKing, a dangerous being who experiments with the energies of memory.

Kokopelli's flute

Thirteen-year-old Tepary discovers an old flute in a cliff dwelling in New Mexico, and through its power he learns about ancient Native American magic.

Pure dead wicked

The Strega-Borgia children accidentally create 500 clones of themselves at the same time that the roof on their Scottish castle falls in, attracting evil contractors who want their home.

The conch bearer

Twelve-year-old Anand is entrusted with a conch shell that possesses mystical powers and sets out on a journey to return the shell to its rightful home many hundreds of miles away.

Juliet Dove, Queen of Love

A shy twelve-year-old girl must solve a puzzle involving characters from Greek mythology to free herself from a spell which makes her irresistible to boys.

The carved box

Upon his arrival in the United States from Scotland, fifteen-year old Callum Murdoch finds himself spending all his savings on a strange dog, an act he doesn't regret until he accidentally breaks open the mysterious box that came with her.

The science of Harry Potter

how magic really works
Explores the ways in which the scientific world is like the magical world depicted in the Harry Potter books, and examines the origins of magical thinking as expressed in myth, legend, and witchcraft.

Maddigan's Fantasia

In a world made uncertain by "the Chaos," two time-traveling boys, fifteen-year-old Timon and eleven-year-old Eden, seek to protect a magic talisman, aided by twelve-year-old Garland, a member of a traveling circus known as Maddigan's Fantasia.

A stranger came ashore

a story of suspense
Twelve-year-old Robbie becomes convinced that the stranger befriended by his family is one of the Selkie Folk and tries to get help against his magical powers from the local wizard.


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