
Geographic Name

More equal than others

America from Nixon to the new century
Examines how free-market capitalism has influenced wealth creation and political and cultural democracy in the United States in the last twenty-five years of the twentieth century.

The India handbook

Provides an overview of India's development since the country achieved independence in 1947, discussing a wide range of economic, political, social, and trade topics.

Miles to go

a personal history of social policy
Discusses the history of various social policies concerning such areas as drugs, economics and welfare and offers ideas for policy reform.

Armed and dangerous

the rise of the survivalist right
Examines the bizarre and often violent history of a proliferating number of hate groups who universally style themselves as "Survivalists.".

Freedom rising

Relates the author's four and a half year journey through southern Africa and his interviews with many people of all colors and backgrounds.

Hidden America

from coal miners to cowboys, an extraordinary exploration of the unseen people who make this country work
Jeanne Marie Laskas reveals personal stories of working class Americans, including coal miners, cowboys, and air traffic controllers.

The time of our lives

past, present, promise
Brokaw weaves together stories from his life and the lives of others to present ways to revitalize the American Dream and to confront the challenges facing American society.

The big sort

why the clustering of like-minded America is tearing us apart
Argues that because Americans have been sorting themselves into homogeneous communities over the last thirty years, diversity, healthy political and social debate, and creativity has been stifled, leading to a cultural crisis.

Hot, flat, and crowded

why we need a green revolution-- and how it can renew America
Argues that the United States needs to adopt an environmentally friendly national strategy to be healthier, wealthier, and more secure, innovative, and productive.


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