trials, litigation, etc

trials, litigation, etc

United States v. Nixon

the question of executive privilege
Presents a brief profile of the Watergate break in and President Nixon's attempt to fight the subpoena of tapes of Oval Office conversations.

Affirmative action on trial

sex discrimination in Johnson v. Santa Clara
Examines the case of "Johnson v. Santa Clara, " which was decided in 1987, and its effect on affirmative action and women in the workplace.

A question of loyalty

General Billy Mitchell and the court martial that gripped the nation
Examines the seven-week trial of General William "Billy" Mitchell in 1925 after he criticized the military and the government's national defense policies, particularly in the area of aviation development, and was court-martialed for insubordination.

Galileo's mistake

a new look at the epic confrontation between Galileo and the Church
Reexamines the 1633 trial of Galileo by the Inquisition, arguing that the charges against him centered less on his claim that the planets revolve around the sun, and more on his insistence that only science could provide the truth about reality.

Jim Crow's children

the broken promise of the Brown decision
Argues that the Supreme Court has undermined the "Brown v. Board of Education" ruling, "resegregating" schools and contributing to racial strife; examines the history of the fight against Jim Crow education and includes interviews with students from the "Brown" case communities at the start of the twenty-first century.

France and the Dreyfus affair

a documentary history
Contains documents that trace the history of the arrest, trials, and eventual acquittal of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, an artillery officer wrongly accused of high treason in 1894 by French authorities who believed him to be an easy target because he was a Jew.

The Pullman case

the clash of labor and capital in industrial America
Explores the conflict between labor and capital in late nineteenth-century America through an examination of union organizer Eugene V. Debs and his instigation of the worker strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago.

Never too late

a prosecutor's story of justice in the Medgar Evers case
Explains how assistant district attorney Bobby DeLaughter tried Byron De La Beckwith for gunning down NAACP leader Medgar Evers more than thirty years ago.


the story of America's right to remain silent
Traces the history of Miranda rights in the United States, recounting the events surrounding the Supreme Court case of Ernesto Miranda, an uneducated Hispanic man arrested in 1963 who was convicted based on his own incriminating testimony.


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