Opposing viewpoints series

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"Capitalism is part of the foundation of the United States. As its dominance spread around the world, challenges to the system abated. But recent historical events, including the economic crash of 2008 have resurrected criticisms of capitalism. During the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns, the democratic socialist senator Bernie Sanders gained a surprising amount of support. The viewpoints in this resource address important arguments surrounding capitalism, such as whether capitalism is currently in crisis, potential alternatives to replace it, and whether capitalism is inherently unfair"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Capitalism

The US military

"Since 1973, when the draft ended, involvement in the US military has been voluntary. The makeup of the men and women who serve our country today has evolved over the subsequent decades. This volume explores many issues pertaining to the US military, such as what segment of the population is serving, how that translates to patriotism and politicization, the military-industrial complex, treatment of women and transgender service people, how the country treats its veterans and addresses their special needs, and many other . . . considerations"--Provided by publisher.

Trumpism and the future of the Republican Party

"Anthology of curated essays exploring Donald Trump's role as leader of the Republican Party and what will happen to the party beyond his presidency"--Provided by publisher.

Racial discrimination and criminal justice

"The Black Lives Matter Movement has shined a light on the frequently unequal treatment of African Americans by the US justice system. This has led to some backlash, including the protest slogans All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter. The viewpoints in this volume examine the truths regarding the justice system and people of color in the United States. Do the police have a problem when it comes to racial discrimination? Is the court system biased against people of color? Can gang violence be curbed without racial profiling? Experts from the field offer very different perspectives on this . . . topic"--Provided by publisher.

The prison industrial complex

"The United States boasts the highest incarceration rate in the entire world. Perhaps not coincidentally, mass incarceration has been a financial boon to the private prison industry. Privatization of prisons is seen by some as a solution to state governments' budget problems, but the mission of these for-profit companies is not necessarily aligned with the reform system. The diverse perspectives in this volume examine the history of private prisons in the United States, whether they are more concerned with rehabilitation or financial profit, and what impact they have on criminal justice laws and society at large"--Provided by publisher.


"It might seem unnecessary to define what a person is, but the issue of personhood has been a longstanding source of debate. The scope of personhood has been questioned in many applications, including human slavery, right to life and right to end life, animal rights, bioethics, corporate rights, and theology. It is believed the question will arise again as robots and artificial intelligence become more sophisticated and ingrained in our culture. What makes a person, and who gets to define personhood?"--Provided by publisher.

Green politics

"Anthology of essays exploring green politics and environmental policy"--Provided by publisher.

Gender in the 21st century

"Once we understand that gender is distinct from sex, a whole world of possibility--and potential for confusion--opens up. Shifting attitudes about the roles of men and women have allowed younger generations to refuse to be pigeonholed into conventional gender norms. As a result, the 21st century seems ripe for a gender revolution. The viewpoints in this volume approach gender from a variety of perspectives, providing readers with food for thought about where gender comes from, how we can make sense of its importance, and where it might be headed"--Provided by publisher.

Peoples on the move

the immigration crisis
"Anthology of essays written from diverse perspectives that examine the . . . immigration crisis"--Provided by publisher.


"Anthology of essays accompanied by original introductory material that explores the controversies surrounding the issue of vaccines in American society"--Provided by publisher.


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