Opposing viewpoints series

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"Nearly a half-century after the women's liberation movement, women have achieved things that their grandmothers might only have dreamed. Now that women work in boardrooms, executive suites, and top government positions, as well as in the home, some believe that the fight has been won. For others, the perception that women are on equal footing with men is dangerous. Through diverse perspectives, this . . . volume explores the current debates on feminism's front, including the pay gap, violence against women, substandard health care, reproductive rights, and representation in government"--Amazon.
Cover image of Feminism

Religion in America

opposing viewpoints
Explores the status of religion in America.
Cover image of Religion in America


Presents viewpoints about democracy that is selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications.
Cover image of Democracy

Doomsday scenarios

A collection of essays that provides varying perspectives on doomsday scenarios, discussing if time-specific predictions should be taken seriously, conflict involving religious prophecies, and how humans could bring about the end of the world.
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Weapons of mass destruction

opposing viewpoints
Presents twenty-two debate-style essays on questions regarding weapons of mass destruction (WMD), such as how likely a WMD attack is, how the U.S. can defend itself against one, and what policies the U.S. should adopt toward nuclear weapons.
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Mass media

Presents twenty-six debate-style essays on the media in the U.S., covering such issues as whether or not there is liberal bias, the impact of media ownership deregulation on radio, and how media polls affect the political process.
Cover image of Mass media


opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-six articles in which the authors debate issues related to addiction, discussing the extent of the problem, contributing factors, treatments, and government intervention.
Cover image of Addiction


opposing viewpoints
A collection of essays that offer opposing viewpoints about the use of alcohol in contemporary society, discussing whether alcohol is beneficial for human health, the actions of the alcohol industry, the treatment of alcoholism, and measures to reduce alcohol-related problems.
Cover image of Alcohol

Interpreting the Bill of Rights

"The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were written to safeguard individual liberties and limit government power. Was the Bill of Rights necessary, or did it open up a can of worms the framers didn't intend? Throughout the course of U.S. history, amendments have been subject to various interpretations, often to the point of contention. In this . . . anthology, readers will be exposed to the complex issues of interpreting a document that was created more than two hundred years ago"--Amazon.
Cover image of Interpreting the Bill of Rights


"Nearly a half-century after the women's liberation movement, women have achieved things that their grandmothers might only have dreamed. Now that women work in boardrooms, executive suites, and top government positions, as well as in the home, some believe that the fight has been won. For others, the perception that women are on equal footing with men is dangerous. Through diverse perspectives, this . . . volume explores the current debates on feminism's front, including the pay gap, violence against women, substandard health care, reproductive rights, and representation in government"--Amazon.
Cover image of Feminism


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