Shusterman, Neal

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Scorpion Shards #1 Star Shards Series

Six teenagers, each tormented by what seems to be an exaggerated adolescent affliction, come together to try to stop the "beasts" that threaten to destroy them and the world.

The Dark Side of Nowhere

Fourteen-year-old Jason faces an identity crisis after discovering that he is the son of aliens who stayed on earth following a botched invasion mission.


When Nick and Allie are killed in a car crash, they end up in Everlost, or limbo for lost souls, where although Nick is satisfied, Allie will stop at nothing--even skinjacking--to break free.


Nick, known as the dreaded "chocolate ogre," is trying to find all the children in Everlost and release them from the limbo they are in, while Mikey and Allie have joined a band of skinjackers and are putting themselves in danger by visiting the world of the living.


When Nick and Allie are killed in a car crash, they end up in Everlost, or limbo for lost souls, where although Nick is satisfied, Allie will stop at nothing--even skinjacking--to break free.

Red Rider's hood

Red, vowing revenge for an attack on his grandmother by the Wolves, joins the gang to learn their secrets and how to defeat them, but his growing feelings of kinship with the gang members leave him facing a difficult decision.

Duckling ugly

When sixteen-year-old Cara, a girl ugly enough to break mirrors, is drawn to a place where everyone can be beautiful, her deepest desire is to return home to say goodbye--and get revenge.

The dark side of nowhere

Fourteen-year-old Jason faces an identity crisis after discovering that he is the son of aliens who stayed on earth following a botched invasion mission.


Three teens embark upon a cross-country journey in order to escape from a society that salvages body parts from children ages thirteen to eighteen.


stories to shred your head
Contains eight suspense stories, featuring a kid who controls the wind, a boy who makes deliveries to hell, a killer bowling lane, and other sinister characters and situations.


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