Shusterman, Neal

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The dark side of nowhere

Jason faces an identity crisis when everyone in Billington starts acting strange and he discovers that he is actually the son of aliens who stayed on earth following a botched invasion mission.

The Shadow Club

A high school boy and his friends decide to form a club of "second bests" and play anonymous tricks on each other's arch rivals. When the harmless pranks become life-threatening, however, no one in the club will admit responsibility.

Scorpion shards

Six teenagers, each tormented by what seems to be an exaggerated adolescent affliction, come together to try to stop the "beasts" that threaten to destroy them and the world.

Neal Shusterman's Darkness creeping

tales to trouble your sleep
A collection of scary stories for young readers in which nightmares escape their boundaries, skulls arrive in the mail, and a game of tag means certain death.


Three teens embark upon a cross-country journey in order to escape from a society that salvages body parts from children ages thirteen to eighteen.


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