church history

Geographic Name
church history

Medieval England

Imagine living in the days of castles and knights, lords and ladies, minstrels and troubadours! Medieval life was full of the stuff of legends, but at the same time, the people of the Middle Ages often endured plagues, famine, war, and other hardships. Even during times of peace and prosperity, their days were long and their work was hard. Let's travel back in time to Medieval England where ten-year-old William will show us what daily life was like in a fourteenth-century English city. This Core Curriculum aligned, library bound book is by award winning author Ann Tatlock.

The Catonsville Nine

a story of faith and resistance in the Vietnam Era
On May 17, 1968, a group of Catholic anti-war activists burst into a draft board in suburban Baltimore, stole hundreds of Selective Service records (which they called death certificates) and burned the documents in a fire fueled by homemade napalm. The Catonsville Nine became international news and were defended by radical attorney William Kuntsler in federal court. This book, written by a Catonsville native, offers the first comprehensive account of this key event in the protests against the Vietnam War.

A reforming people

Puritanism and the transformation of public life in New England
Looks at how the people who founded the New England colonies used laypeople, petitioning, and participation to set up churches, civil governments, and methods for distributing land that avoided the development of unlimited authority and advanced the idea of democracy.

Puritans in the New World

a critical anthology
Contains a critical anthology of the historical, sociological, and religious life and culture of the early Puritans in America during the seventeenth century including testimony from dissenters like Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson as well as excerpts from William Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation.".

The church in medieval Europe

The Catholic Church lay at the heart of medieval society. Readers will learn about the pious life of monks and nuns, the great cathedrals which served as centers of worship, and the spread of Christianity across Europe.

The evangelicals you don't know

introducing the next generation of Christians
So you have a problem with evangelical Christians? Which ones? These are the provocative questions Tom Krattenmaker poses to his fellow progressives in The Evangelicals You Don?t Know. He challenges stereotypes about evangelical Christians and introduces readers to a movement of ?new evangelicals? who are bringing forth a non-partisan expression of evangelicalism and creating opportunities for alliances and partnerships to advance the common good. Krattenmaker argues that cultural fault lines no longer divide the religious from the secular, or the evangelicals from ?everyone else.? Rather, the lines that matter now run between the fundamentalist culture warriors of both the left and right on one side, and, on the other, the good-doers of any faith, or none, who want to work together to solve our society?s problems and introduce a new civility and decency to our shared national life.

The first liberty

America's foundation in religious freedom
Explores how religious faith and political freedoms influence one another, with information on Supreme Court cases related to the separation of church and state, an overview of the role religion played in the government's foundations, and the debates over religious freedom in America.


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