church history

Geographic Name
church history

Heretic queen

Queen Elizabeth I and the wars of religion
Presents a history of the struggle Elizabeth I had in trying to unite her country under one religion.

Girl soldier

a story of hope for northern Uganda's children
Recounts the experiences of Grace Akallo, who was forced to enter into the Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda when she was only fifteen year old and endured savagery, starvation, and abuse with only her faith to help her.

John Winthrop

America's forgotten founding father
Chronicles the life of John Winthrop, the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, drawing from archival materials in the U.S., England, and Ireland to describe his life before coming to America, his spiritual motivations, and his political struggles.

The quest for Shakespeare

Examines the life and beliefs of William Shakespeare, presenting evidence to support the author's argument that the playwright was a member of the Catholic faith, and looking at how the religion informed his writing.

Christianity in the New World

from 1500 to 1800
Discusses the spread of Christianity to the New World, describes religious life in America through the Revolutionary War, and explains how religious freedom led to the great variety of churches in the United States.

The priest and the policeman

the courageous life and cruel murder of father Jerzy Popieluszko

America's Saints

the rise of Mormon power


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