Lindop, Edmund

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An album of the fifties

Presents the issues and life-styles of the 1950's in the United States including the effects of the Korean and Cold Wars, the civil rights movement, entertainment, and fashion.

All about Democrats

over 750 questions and answers
Presents the history of the U.S. Democratic party in a question-andanswer format.

All about Republicans

over 750 questions and answers
Presents the history of the U.S. Republican party in a question-andanswer format.

Modern America: the dazzling twenties

A survey of the political, social, and cultural events and changes during the decade following World War I.

Political parties

Provides a history of political parties in the United States, along with insights about their inner workings and the role they play in the political process.

Assassinations that shook America

Examines the causes and effects of the assassination of seven prominent Americans, including the four presidents killed in office and such significant political leaders as Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy.

Presidents by accident

Discusses the nine vice-presidents of the United States who became president when the office fell suddenly vacant because of death or resignation.

By a single vote!

one-vote decisions that changed American history

Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan

Chronicles the lives of presidents Nixon, Carter, and Reagan and points out daring measures each took while in office including the easing of tensions with China and the Soviet Union, peace talks between Israel and Egypt, and a treaty to lower the number of nuclear weapons.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson

Discussion of the three mid-twentieth-century presidents who took the United States through the Cold War, the Cuban blockade, the civil rights movement, and into the Vietnam War.


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