Lindop, Edmund

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America in the 1940s

Outlines the important social, political, economic, cultural, and technological events that happened in the United States during the 1940s. Includes primary source photographs and quotations, timelines, sidebars, an activity, biographical profiles, and sources of additional information.

America in the 1960s

Presents the social, political, economic, and technological changes in the United States during the nineteen sixties, including the civil rights movement, the popularization of rock music, and the expedition to the Moon.

America in the 1950s

Provides accounts of key events that occurred during the 1950s in the areas of science, technology, transportation, the economy, society, literature, art and architecture, fashion, stage and screen, music, sports and recreation, and war, and includes photographs and primary sources.

America in the 1930s

Looks at life in the United States in the 1930s, discussing notable people, events, and developments in politics, society, the economy, culture, and technology, and including photographs, primary sources, and other reference materials.

Panama and the United States

divided by the Canal
Discusses foreign policy issues between the United States and Panama, specifically regarding the Canal.

Great Britain and the United States

rivals and partners
A book which emphasizes that Britain and the U.S. have been more often partners rather than rivals.

Presidents versus Congress

conflict and compromise
Analyzes the roots and consequences of governmental gridlock and how it has manifested itself during several United States' presidential administrations.

Birth of the Constitution

Discusses the creating of the Constitution and the very few changes that have been made in it during the past 200 years.

Modern America: the turbulent thirties

A survey of the political, economic, social, and cultural events and changes during the decade of the Great Depression.


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