Explores life in ancient Greece, and challenges readers to find the Spartan spy on a secret mission to Athens by following historical clues, and solving mazes, puzzles, and brainteasers.
Discusses five lost cities from around the world including Bonampak, Troy, and Pompeii and explains how archaeologists rediscover and study them to learn about the past.
Traces the dramatic history of the Roman Empire, paying particular attention to its rise and fall and its lasting social, cultural, military, and political influence.
Retraces the history and development of the most important cities of the ancient world, placing them in their historical and geographical context and analyzing what remains of their architctural and artistic treasures.
Presents an illustrated look at several lost cities around the world including Ur, Babylon, Troy, Pompeii, Tenochtitlan, and Machu Picchu, and describes their origins, later discovery, and the mysteries surrounding them.
Examines, through photographs and text, ancient cities in various regions of the world including Middle East, the Americas, the Mediterranean, and Asia.
Takes the reader through a typical town in the Roman Empire, highlighting the different buildings and public areas, and describing how the people lived.