cities and towns, ancient

Topical Term
cities and towns, ancient

The making of civilization

history discovered through archaeology
Focuses on mankind's transition from savagery into the beginnings of modern life.

First cities

Profiles the major cities that existed in the ancient civilizations in the Near East, Egypt, India, China, and the Americas and discusses how studying the growth and development of those cities can help urban planners create better cities in the future.

City planning in ancient times

Examines the art of city planning as it was in ancient times, and describes some of the oldest planned cities, now in ruins, of Greece, the Roman Empire, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.

The mysteries of Troy

Discusses the history, literature and legends, archaeology, and art of this ancient Turkish city, scene of much of Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey.".

The search for lost cities

Discusses such ancient "lost" cities as Machu Picchu, Troy, Knossos, Great Zimbabwe, and Angkor, as well as more modern ghost towns.

Greek town

Presents life in a town in ancient Greece, covering the temple, town square, a family home, an open-air theatre, games, the cemetery, the port, and more.

Cities & citizens

Introduces the citizens, government, education, philosophy, religion, and sports of the city states of ancient Greece.

Ancient cities

the archaeology of urban life in the ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece, and Rome
Examines what daily life was like for residents of ancient cities in the Middle East, Egypt, and the Greek and Roman regions of the world based on evidence gathered from archaeological excavations, and also describes the physical appearance of the cities, religious traditions, and related topics.

Egyptian town

Takes the reader through a typical town in ancient Egypt around 1200 B.C., highlighting the different buildings and public areas, and describing how the people lived.


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