mystery and detective stories

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mystery and detective stories

The case of the gasping garbage

Fourth-graders Drake Doyle and Nell Fossey combine their detective and scientific investigation skills to solve a variety of cases, involving a noisy garbage can, endangered frogs, a stuck truck, and a mysterious love letter. Includes a section of scientific experiments and activities.

The sands of time

a Hermux Tantamoq adventure
Despite fierce opposition from mouse supremacists and other residents of Pinchester, three mice team up with an old chipmunk to prove that there existed, long before the time of mice, a Cat Kingdom.

Inspector Hopper

Inspector Hopper and his perpetually hungry assistant McBugg solve three mysteries for their insect friends.

The High-Rise Private Eyes

the case of the puzzling possum
Bunny and Jack investigate the disappearance of a trombone from Mr. Riley's music store.

The chameleon wore chartreuse

from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye
When hired by a fellow fourth-grader to find her missing brother, Chet Gecko uncovers a plot involving a Gila monster's revenge upon the school football team.


a rabbit-tale of mystery
This reissue of the classic story featuring the vampire rabbit celebrates the book's twentieth anniversary. Includes an essay by co-author James Howe on the origins of "Bunnicula.".

The High-Rise Private Eyes

the case of the missing monkey
While having breakfast at their favorite diner, two detectives, Bunny and Jack, solve a mystery that is not what it seems.

Young Cam Jansen and the pizza shop mystery

When Cam, her friend Eric, and her father stop for pizza while they are at the mall, Cam must rely on her photographic memory to locate her missing jacket.

Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the slippery salamander

Encyclopedia Brown, the super sleuth in sneakers, solves ten new mysteries, including "The Case of the Slippery Salamander," "The Case of the Banana Burglar," and "The Case of the Dead Cockroach.".

The man with the black glove

Martin and Pauline solve a crime by tracking down a man with a black glove.


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