mystery and detective stories

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mystery and detective stories

Lucky stars

Herman "Houdini" Foster and his cousin Janet discover that what seems to be a case of thwarted coat theft is something much more serious.

Flatfoot Fox and the case of the Bashful Beaver

Although Flatfoot Fox is fairly certain that he knows who stole Bashful Beaver's buttons, the smartest detective in the world allows his assistant, Secretary Bird, to try to solve the case.

Sebastian (super sleuth) and the flying elephant

When Detective John Quincy Jones is told to find the circus's missing elephant by nightfall, his faithful canine companion must come to the rescue as usual.

The case of the furtive firebug

Hally Watkins, her younger brother Jason, and other young people they meet in Newport, Rhode Island, must prove that their friend Tuyet is not responsible for burning down the house she has been hired to paint.

Beware the ravens, Aunt Morbelia

Todd Fearing, his aunt Morbelia, and his friend Jeff are shadowed by mysterious characters when they visit London and their ancestral home.

Harvey's mystifying raccoon mix-up

Twelve-year-old Harvey and his bossy cousin Nora get involved with counterfeiters, imposters, and a pet raccoon when they find a prowler outside the house one night.

School spirit sabotage

a Brian and Pea Brain mystery
Brian and his younger sister Penny try to catch the culprit who has been sabotaging School Spirit Week.

Blackwater Swamp

Having discovered the true nature of the old woman known as the Witch of Blackwater Swamp, fifth grader Ted must decide whether to come to her aid when she is accused of the thefts plaguing his small Louisiana town.

The face in the Bessledorf Funeral Parlor

Convinced that the strange things happening at the funeral parlor next door to his family's hotel are somehow connected to a recent robbery, Bernie determines to become famous by proving his theory and catching the thief.

The secret of Van Rink's cellar

While searching for the ghost that haunts the house in which their mother is a maid and dressmaker for an English officer's wife, Sarah and Stephen become secretly involved in the Revolutionary War effort.


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