moving, household

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moving, household

Anna's secret friend

After moving to a new town, Anne quickly becomes bored with the unpacking and longs for someone to play with. Then someone starts to leave little notes and presents for her. Who can her secret friend be?.

Shaker Lane

When the town decides to build a reservoir on their land, the residents of Shaker Lane decide to move away rather than fight to keep their homes.

The secret of the painted house

When her family moves from Chicago to the country, nine-year-old Emily is drawn to a mysterious playhouse she finds in the woods and soon meets its sad, lonely inhabitants.

The wing shop

After his family moves to a different part of town, Matthew tries to get back to his old house by trying on different pairs of wings in an unusual wing shop.

Moving day

Nine-year-old Allie Finkle has rules for everything and is even writing her own rule book, but her world is turned upside-down when she learns that her family is moving across town, which will mean a new house, school, best friend, and plenty of new rules.

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

In 1947, a Chinese child comes to Brooklyn where she becomes Americanized at school, in her apartment building, and by her love for baseball.

Amber Brown is not a crayon

Her third grade year is a sad time for Amber, because her best friend Justin is getting ready to move to a distant state.

Rex Zero and the end of the world

Eleven-year-old Rex and his family move to Ottawa from Vancouver in the summer of 1962 when it seems everyone is nervous about the possibility of nuclear war between America and Russia, but his thoughts about the possible end of the world take second place to the mystery creature hiding out in the local park.

Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster boy

In 1911, Turner Buckminster hates his new home of Phippsburg, Maine, but things improve when he meets Lizzie Bright Griffin, a girl from a poor, nearby island community founded by former slaves that the town fathers--and Turner's--want to change into a tourist spot.

The mystery of the cupboard

After the family moves to a house in the country, recently inherited by his mother, Omri finds many secrets revealed to him when he accidently discovers the link between the house and the magic cupboard.


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