
Topical Term

Stink and the hairy scary spider

"Stink's spider phobia spurs his sister, Judy, and friend Webster to try some desensitization techniques--until a real-life encounter takes them by surprise . . . with facts about spiders as well as a hands-on origami challenge"--Publisher.

Flamingo is brave

a book about feeling scared
Flamingo is scared of many things, such as spiders, the dark, and getting lost, but his grandfather shows him how to be brave, and Flamingo explains his fears to his friends so they can all be brave together.

Scare me

Every year, the town of Happy Hills holds its haunted house contest. In a spooky old manor, teams of kids come up with new ways to frighten people.

The fear zone

If you don't stand up to your fears, they will destroy you. When five kids are invited to a cemetery at midnight, they think it's just a prank. When they find a gravestone that instructs them to dig up a grave, they think it's just a joke. It's no joke. An evil force is unleashed - a force that takes the shape of their worst fears. A shark in the water. A ghost in the walls. A nightmare of being buried alive. A snake about to strike. A sinister clown waiting in the woods. Once these fears are released, they won't go away. Not without a fight....

Big Bear was not the same

After Big Bear is caught in a forest fire, many things make him afraid but, with the love and support of his best friend, Little Bear, he begins to feel better.

Afraid of everything

an alphabetical compendium of people's weirdest fears
A collection of alphabetically ordered one-page stories based around fears.

The Halloween moon

"Esther Gold loves Halloween more than anything in the world. So she is determined to go trick-or-treating again this year despite the fact that her parents think she is officially too old...But when the night rolls around, something feels . . . off. No one is answering their door. The moon is an unnatural shade of orange. Strange children wander the streets, wearing creepy costumes that might not be costumes at all"--Provided by publisher.

The wall

"Tom is a little boy who loves to explore. 'The world is a beautiful place, Tom thought. When I grow up, I will be a great explorer.' But one day, he hears the grown-ups talking about the monsters that live in the big wide world. Before long, they build a giant wall to keep the monsters out--forever. Tom is told not to go over the wall. 'It's dangerous out there,' his grandmother tells him. What could be so monstrous over the wall and who are these monsters? Soon, Tom receives a message saying 'Hello!' from the other side of the wall. Curious, he climbs over, and what do you think he finds? Life becomes dreary when you are cut off from the wonders of the world and Tom realizes there is a need for change. A . . . story of friendship and community, [this book] shows the importance of communities coming together and inclusivity"--Provided by publisher.

Facing your fears

a Navy SEAL's guide to conquering your fear and anxiety
"A former Navy SEAL and current motivational speaker, Don Mann specializes in helping others achieve success in every aspect of life- personal and professional-by using techniques employed by Navy SEALs. In Facing Your Fears, Mann zeroes in on finding ways to cope with the fear and anxieties readers face in their lives, no matter what they may be"--Provided by publisher.

Swim team

"Bree can't wait for her first day at her new middle school, Enith Brigitha, home to the Mighty Manatees--until she's stuck with the only elective that fits her schedule, the dreaded Swim 101. The thought of swimming makes Bree more than a little queasy, yet she's forced to dive headfirst into one of her greatest fears. Lucky for her, Etta, an elderly occupant of her apartment building and former swim team captain, is willing to help"--Provided by publisher.


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