Singer, Isaac Bashevis

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The image and other stories

Contains twenty-two short stories, translated from their original Yiddish, by Nobel Prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer.
Cover image of The image and other stories

The death of Methuselah and other stories

An English translation of twenty short stories by Isaac Singer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Cover image of The death of Methuselah and other stories

Mazel y Shlimazel

Mazel, the spirit of good luck, and Shlimazel, the spirit of bad luck, engage in a battle of wits to win a wager.

The power of light

eight stories for Hanukkah
Contain eight stories about the Hanukkah celebration, including "A Hanukkah Evening in My Father's House, " "The Power of Light, " "The Squire, " and "Hershele and Hanukkah.".

When Shlemiel went to Warsaw & other stories

Eight stories based on traditional Jewish themes from Eastern Europe include: Shrewd Todie & Lyzer the Miser; Tsirtsur & Peziza; Rabbi Leib & the Witch Cunegunde; The Elders of Chelm & Genendel's Key; Shlemiel, the Businessman; Utzel & His Daughter Poverty; Menaseh's Dream; When Shlemiel went to Warsaw.

A friend of Kafka

In my father's court

In my father's court

The fearsome inn.

Two witches, who practice their evil trade on lost travellers, are banished through the wisdom of a student of the holy cabala, and the power of his magic chalk.


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