Singer, Isaac Bashevis

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A day of pleasure

stories of a boy growing up in Warsaw
Nineteen autobiographical stories about the author's childhood in Poland from 1908 to 1918.

Naftali the storyteller and his horse, Sus, and other stories

A collection of short stories which explores the humor and life of the Jewish people of Poland.

Por qu? No? eligi? la paloma

As each animal boasts of the qualities he feels make him especially worthy to go on Noah's ark, Noah takes a particular liking to the dove.

When Shlemiel went to Warsaw and other stories

This collection of eight stories, some inspired by traditional Jewish tales, includes parables, comedies, fantasies, and tales of witchcraft.

Zlateh the goat and other stories

Presents seven stories based on Midde European Jewish folklore and legends.

Cuentos judios de la aldea de Chelm

Seven stories based on middle-European Jewish folklore and legends.

Elijah the Slave

A Hebrew legend in which a messenger from God sells himself into slavery in order to help a poor scribe.

The power of light

eight stories for Hanukkah
Contain eight stories about the Hanukkah celebration, including "A Hanukkah Evening in My Father's House," "The Power of Light," "The Squire," and "Hershele and Hanukkah.".


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